Queen’s Roadmap

Here’s the roadmap for Queen’s initial release:

  • 2019-2020: conception, naming, initial grammar. ANTLR4, AST and Language Engineering analysis;
  • 2021: first PoC ANTLR4 parser implemented and tested;
  • 2022: Registered the Queenlang trademark in Europe;
  • 2023, January: Grammar; Implemented the ANTLR4 parser, AST visitor and the Java parsing using JavaParser;
  • 2023, February: The first PoC is running! The very first Queen “Hello World!” was executed on 19.02.2023!

First Hello World

  • 2023, August: CLI Transpiler MVP has been released! More here.
  • 2025, The first release of the Queen Language Server Protocol (https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/) is expected.
  • 2025, We should start presenting Queen at programming conferences;
  • 2026, Possibly start implementing our own QDK, to replace the JDK;

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